[caption id="attachment_11108" align="alignright" width="245"] Pat Dowse will consult CP State on Day and Employment issues.[/caption] CP State continues to anticipate and address Affiliate needs by bringing in Pat Dowse as a consultant for Day and Employment programs. Dowse, who has more than 30 years of experience in...

ASSEMBLY ONE HOUSE 2023-2024 BUDGET BILL HIGHLIGHTS OPWDD 5% COLA* – $290.6 million to increase the 2.5% COLA to 8.5%. OPWDD Managed Care - extends the legal authority for OPWDD to implement managed care plans through 2028 by extending the authorization through 2025. Rejects increased...

We're down to the wire! We expect to see the Senate & Assembly One House Budget bills early next week. The next day or two are critical that you visit your local legislators, write and call! VISIT YOUR LOCAL DEMOCRATIC SENATORS & ASSEMBLYMEMBERS: We are asking every...

[caption id="attachment_10975" align="alignright" width="500"] Top, L-R: Tia Levinson (CP Westchester), Scott Robinson and Barbara Pettengill (CFDS), and Angela Marmet (Upstate CP). Bottom: CP State's Tim Ferguson presents to the DDPC Council.[/caption] CP State Affiliates recently presented to the NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council the outcomes of...

As New York’s nonprofit disability service sector continues to struggle with the impacts of chronic underfunding, rising inflation costs, and widespread staffing shortages, the need to secure long-term investment from the State Government has never been more urgent. Now is the time to make our...