Congratulations to Mike Alvaro, President & CEO of CP State, for being named one of City and State NY's 2025 "Trailblazers in Health Care!" This list features advocates and innovators, executives and entrepreneurs, experts and analysts and a wide range of medical professionals who are committed...

As you know the Governor delivered her State of the State address today – of relevance, she highlighted the following proposals. Additionally, we are expecting more details and additional proposals including a Cost of Living Adjustment in the Executive Budget to be released next week: Workers with...

New York Disability Advocates (NYDA) has launched an exciting new tool to empower individuals to advocate for disability services with just one click! Using Muster, this innovative platform makes it easier than ever to contact legislators and share your voice on issues affecting people with...

Barbara Lyons is leading a Commonwealth Fund project focused on how to improve healthcare access and coordination for non-elderly people who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. She is specifically looking for duals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or their caregivers who are interested in participating in...

CP State and its Affiliates are among the 150 signatories of a statement seeking “significant and permanent change in the way services in our system are designed, delivered, and financed.” The Coalition for Whole Person Supports seeks to break down the siloed, uncoordinated services that no longer...

  CP State is excited to be part of VoterVoice’s guide on enhancing advocacy with artificial intelligence. Bill DeVoe, director of communications and advocacy at CP State, is featured in the guide "AI for Grassroots Advocacy: The Complete ChatGPT How-To Guide," which details how AI can assist...

Now is the time we lay the foundation for next year's budget cycle. Let's start by making sure our elected representatives know we're not satisfied with the 2.84% cost-of-living-adjustment in the FY 2025 state budget. This is a far cry from what New Yorkers with disabilities need! Click...