Governor Kathy Hochul released her executive budget proposal today, and the picture she paints for our future is grim.  If enacted, nonprofit providers of supports and services for New Yorkers with intellectual and developmental disabilities will receive a mere 1.5% cost of living increase. This minimal increase does not even compensate...

Statement from Mike Alvaro, President of the New York Disability Advocates on Governor Hochul 2024 State of the State Address  We are deeply concerned that in Governor Hochul’s State of the State today, there was no direct mention of the workforce crisis that has plagued New...

Each region will come to Albany to lobby during a designated week between early February and late March so that I/DD advocates have a continuous Albany presence. 2024 Tentative Dates: January 16, 2024 - Executive Budget Release Week of 2/5 – Capital Region Week of 2/12 – NYDA...

On Wednesday, CP State and its partners in New York Disability Advocates rallied for a permanent investment in direct care staff alongside the annual cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) increase in Governor Hochul’s SFY25 executive budget. Advocates were joined by elected officials, non-profit provider agency executives, Direct...

This week we held our amazing Clinical Conference on the Treatment of People with Disabilities. The event has one purpose: To improve health outcomes for people with disabilities. It's the only conference of its kind in the area, so keep your eyes peeled for information on next...

We are pleased to announce that CP State and our NYDA partners will be holding a rally on Wednesday, November 15 at 11 AM in the War Room on the 2nd floor of the NYS Capitol building. Please distribute the save-the-date flyer  widely to your family, friends, and...

At this year's CP State Conference, we had the honor of recognizing staff from our Affiliates.   These are people who go above and beyond in their daily duties to make life better for New Yorkers with Disabilities. See our winners here and join us in congratulating them!...

[caption id="attachment_11440" align="alignleft" width="241"] Shawn HarperFormer NFL Football Player, Successful Businessman & Life Coach[/caption] Former pro football player Shawn Harper will deliver the keynote address at the CP State Annual Conference, held Oct. 11-12, in Saratoga Springs. Click here for more information and to register. This keynote...