Here you will find guidance from OPWDD and other state sources, as well as federal guidance and helpful resources from private institutions. Click here for an archive of CP State COVID-19 Updates. Click here for information on the NYDA COVID-19 Impact Data Project. NEW YORK STATE OFFICE FOR...

Good afternoon Article 16 Clinic leaders, OPWDD expects that the VO Article 16 Clinics remain open to provide essential health care services throughout New York State, with exceptions for lack of staffing or other challenges, such as temporary lack of demand for such services.  Further, we...

Federal funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may be available under the COVID-19 major disaster declaration.  Please see the attached notification from New York State Homeland Security and Emergency Services for more details.  Additional information can be found on their website at  Virtual...

The following was issued by OPWDD on March 17, 2020: Immediate Temporary Suspension of Day Program Services The Office for People With Developmental Disabilities is hereby directing the temporary suspension of services at all Day Habilitation, Day Treatment, and Prevocational Services across the state effective no later...

[caption id="attachment_7729" align="alignright" width="270"] Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther shows her support for 3for5.[/caption] Executives, staff and volunteer Board Members from CP of NYS Affiliates and other non-profit service providers from across the state joined together in Albany on Feb. 25-26 for Lobby Days. CP State partnered with ALIA,...

The American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) is asking that we share and that everyone complete this survey about the impact of the workforce crisis on your agency. From ANCOR: We need your help – please. As I hope you have seen, recently, we've been...

The 13th Annual Quality & Compliance Challenges Conference for Providers Serving People with Disabilities will be held on Tuesday, May 5, 8:30 am  to 4 pm, at the Saratoga Hilton at 534 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Each year, this conference provides valuable information and insights for Corporate...