15 Feb Virtual Lobby Days begin Feb. 22
Posted at 18:19h
in News

We will be setting up Zoom meetings with Senate and Assembly Developmental Disability, Education and Health Committee members, key legislative and Governor’s staff. Executive Directors or senior staff who would like to attend these Zoom meetings should contact Barbara Crosier at bcrosier@cpstate.blackdogsitetesting.com.
Affiliates should continue to reach out to and meet with their rank-and-file legislators. Please let us know if you need assistance setting up Zoom meetings with them.
CP State continues to coordinate with NYDA to present a unified response to this year’s Executive Budget proposal covering services for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in adults services (OPWDD), Special Education (SED), and (DOH) Early Intervention and Clinics.
Our tentative Legislative Advocacy schedule includes:
Week One
- Monday, February 22—Legislative Day Briefings, approximately 60-90 minutes at 11AM and 3 PM. Please attend one of these briefings if you plan to attend virtual Zoom meetings with the legislators.
- Tuesday, February 23—Tuesday AM presentations from Legislative Leadership and special Leadership appointments.
- Wednesday, February 24 and Thursday, February 25, Legislative Virtual Visits between 9AM to 5 PM.
- Thursday, February 25th, Virtual Debrief at 5 PM. Instead of gathering at the Albany Hilton’s Lounge, please join us from your own Home Lounge.
Week Two
- Monday, March 1 through Thursday, March 4, legislative Virtual Visits from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Thursday, March 4, Virtual Debrief, Round 2.
- Friday, March 5 – additional appointments for all but NYC Providers who have the 5 Borough Legislative Breakfasts from 10 a.m. to noon.
While this year’s Lobby Days are not in person, we will be advocating for our OPWDD, Special Education, Clinic and Early Intervention supports and services. We will provide you with our priorities and talking points for you to use during Advocacy Days and with your own individual Senators and Assemblymembers.
Additionally, you can click here to use CP State’s one-click advocacy tool to contact your legislators and the Governor with our priority budget items. Please share that link with your supporters!
Please let Barbara Crosier or Bill DeVoe know if you need any assistance.