NYC Ballet to host 3rd annual workshop in July for kids with I/DD

CP of NYS is pleased to announce that we will again partner with the New York City Ballet for the third annual dance workshop for children with disabilities at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs on Saturday, July 18.

Accompanied by a NYCB musician, two NYCB dancers will lead children in ballet-based warm-up and movement combinations inspired by a ballet from NYCB’s repertory, concluding in a performance for family and friends in attendance. Following the event, families can enjoy some light refreshments and a photo and autograph opportunity with the NYCB artists.

Dr. Joseph Dutkowsky, a member of the CP of NYS Board of Directors has created a relationship with the New York City Ballet that has given hundreds of children the opportunity to experience the joy of dance.

At the Saratoga Springs workshop we pair each young participant with a volunteer “buddy” to assist during the workshop and performance. The “buddies” can be a family member, friend or other individual who will work directly with the young dancers to help them with the movements. If you, or anyone you know, would like to volunteer to be a buddy, please have them contact CP of NYS staff listed below.

If you have questions or would like more information please contact Al Shibley at or Deb Williams at or by phone at 518-436-0178.