31 Mar Material from March 16 DQI webinar now available
Click here to view the presentation from the March 16 D.Q.I. = Delivering Quality Information webinar. The recording, ppt slides, supplemental material and Q & A document will be available on SLMS at a later date. If you have any questions or suggestions for future topics, please email: [email protected].
Also provided is an OPTIONAL template (modified for voluntary providers) that voluntary providers may consider as a framework for their own Occupancy Agreement document. Providers should consult with their counsel and can adapt this optional template as they see fit based on their needs.
DQI schedules 2023 semi-annual Provider Trainings
DQI is hosting the semi-annual Spring and Fall Provider Trainings on May 25, 2023 and October 24, 2023. These trainings will present information on current topics impacting providers and service delivery. Information regarding registration will be forthcoming, closer to the date of each training.