22 May CP State talks impact at NYS Elks Convention
Posted at 12:49h
in News

Since 1964, the NYS Elks have donated close to $30 million to CP Affiliates. Home Service Director positions at CP Affiliates are supported by annual contributions and fundraising by the NYS Elks and their Major Projects Program. It is due to their support that the Home Service Director can offer individuals and families timely assistance.
Cheryl talked about the very real and heartfelt impact the Elks have on New Yorkers with disabilities.
“It’s one thing to list the number of visits we make, or the vans that you help us buy, but at the center of it all are the people we serve,” she said. “Your contribution makes life better for people with disabilities, plain and simple.”
If you’d like to donate the NYS Elks Major Projects Program, and help people with disabilities, go to www.nyselks.org/mpcc.htm.