CP State, Affiliates Lead Charge for System Change

CP State and its Affiliates are among the 150 signatories of a statement seeking “significant and permanent change in the way services in our system are designed, delivered, and financed.”

The Coalition for Whole Person Supports seeks to break down the siloed, uncoordinated services that no longer adequately meet the more complex needs of people with disabilities and the organizations that care for them. The goal of the coalition is to bring people with disabilities, their family members, and providers together to identify a path forward so that we can achieve our ultimate goal of a system that provides services where and when they’re needed across New York State.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Whole Person Coalition, the latest statement can be found here. If your agency would like to sign on to the letter, contact CP State President & CEO Mike Alvaro at malvaro@cpstate.blackdogsitetesting.com.