In case you missed it, New York City Ballet (NYCB) Soloist Ashley Laracey and Principal Dancer Adrian Danchig-Waring conducted a dance workshop for children with disabilities on Saturday, July 21, at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs. The two world-renowned dancers led 19 participants...

Two interesting and related stories in today's news. Individually, these discrete pieces of data may appear useless. But data-broker companies can easily combine them to create “mosaics” about our health and health status. READ THE ARTICLE HERE   July 25, 2018 @crainshealth Mount Sinai creates center to study health care...

"This agency is a false promise to families who want quality care and justice for their loved ones," says Assemblyman Thomas Abinanti. READ MORE HERE       The articles linked to this page are provided as a public service by CP of NYS, and do not necessarily reflect the...

New York City Ballet (NYCB) Artists Ashley Laracey and Adrian Danchig-Waring conducted a dance workshop for children with disabilities on Saturday, July 21, at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs. Accompanied by NYCB Musician Nancy McDill, the two world-renowned dancers led 19 participants in...

French soccer start Kylian Mbappe will donate his earnings from the World Cup to a charity that gives free sports instruction to hospitalized and disabled children. The organization also coordinates disability awareness campaigns for schools and businesses, according to the French news outlet L’Equipe. READ THE ARTICLE HERE       The...