Be advised that the COVID-19 Vaccination Fact Sheets supplied by the FDA are specific to each manufacturer’s vaccination. CP State is providing this general Frequently Asked Questions resource that is applicable to all COVID-19 vaccines. Click here to download a printable version of this FAQ. How do...

CP State’s Community Health Outreach Project has made life easier for more than 1,000 people with disabilities this year! The Community Health Outreach Project, or CHOP, was established in January 2020 to provide financial assistance for the purchase of equipment, services, supplies, and other supports needed...

CP State is collaborating with New York Disability Advocates (NYDA) and Syracuse University on an ongoing project to collect and analyze weekly  COVID-19 data from voluntary I/DD providers, including all Cerebral Palsy of NYS Affiliates throughout the state. This data helps inform our understanding of...

Our partner at SAP Litmos recently featured CP State's use of the online learning platform to provide efficient and thorough training for Affiliate staff. With twenty-four affiliate agencies providing service to more than 100,000 people with disabilities, CP State has around 10,000 Affiliate employees using SAP Litmos...

Governor Cuomo has released Executive Order 202.74. Please find the Executive Order here. Effective Friday, November 13, 2020, the Executive Order makes the following suspensions, modifications, and directives through December 12, 2020: All “liquor stores” and “wine stores” that are licensed by the State Liquor Authority (SLA)...

We are very excited to announce that, once again, artists from the world-renowned New York City Ballet have partnered with CP State to conduct a dance workshop designed specifically for people with disabilities. As part of “Connections”, the 2020 CP of NYS Virtual Conference, we will...