Act NOW! Urge the Governor to Invest in Disability Services

Join us in urging the Governor to invest in disability services.
We’re asking the Governor to include in her proposed budget:

A Direct Support Wage Enhancement of $4,000 per eligible employee

Under the DSWE, provider agencies will receive $4,000 per eligible employee to be used for the purpose of enhancing the hourly rate of pay for all staff that have direct care/support responsibilities for individuals with I/DD.

An 8.5% Cost-of-Living Adjustment

Due to significant inflation and supply chain disruptions have resulted in significant financial pressure on agencies, necessitating an 8.5% COLA to be included in the 2024 NYS Budget to ensure the long-term sustainability of non-profit disability service providers.
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Thank you for being an advocate for people with disabilities. Consider joining the CP Family Group to stay up to date on disability issues and family supports.