3/26/20 OPWDD Update

On today’s OPWDD Coronavirus activities update call, the following items were covered:

  1. There was significant news on the Appendix K – OPWDD is going to be responding to CMS questions and amending the application to now include (in addition to the previously announced day services) these services in their plan for obtaining approval for retainer days billing: respite, SEMP, com hab, and self-direction with budget authority for 14 days, with another extension (from 15-30 days) through the 1115 waiver.  The waiver would be for period 3/18 – 3/31 under the K, with the 15-30 day period filing right after under the 1115 waiver; anything beyond that is yet to be negotiated, but continued retainer day payments for this additional group of services will be part of the negotiations.
  2. The providers indicated they need immediate cash relief; the old way of doing business is not going to work.  Governor’s office staff indicated that they will work on this with DOB; there is no ability to guarantee an across the board rate increase at this time given the Governor’s projection that there might be a $15 billion budget shortfall.
  3. Suspension of recoupments – Kerri Neifeld from the Governor’s office indicated that the earliest that the stop on recoupments could go into effect would be with the April 22 payment, and State would have until Tuesday, March 31 to make that happen. She is fairly confident that those recoupments will be postponed and will let us know by Tuesday for certain.
  4. PPE – It remains a significant issue. Please report orders/issues with PPE to: [email protected]
  5. CAS Assessment – OPWDD will have an update for tomorrow on what the continuation of the assessments means.
  6. Tracking report – draft will be out tonight/tomorrow.
  7. OPWDD will take suggested word changes to the some of their guidance that is difficult to implement– no guarantee that they will be made, but they are looking to update as providers see appropriate.
  8. Emergency housing update – they have one provider who is interested and they are meeting internally to finalize the process.