Teachers Really Are The Best People

CP of NYS President & CEO Susan Constantino received the letter below recently and wanted to share it.

My name is Rachel and I volunteer with an after school education program for a very special group of kids. I came across your website http://www.cpmetroservices.org/CPInformation_Resources/Links.aspx while discussing all kinds of safety issues. I am teaching the kids that safety is important in our lives in order to protect ourselves and others and that safety issues surround us in everything that we do! I asked the class come up with all things that they could think of where safety would be important.

They came up with everything from crossing the street to being safe while playing at home. One my students, Brad, surprised me when he talked about safety while driving! I asked him do some searches online and bring an example to class the next time we met. He brought in this example about texting and driving I am so proud of him going above and beyond the lesson in finding it!

I want to try to reinforce his creativity and the whole class as well with something unique and fun, so I suggested that we share this with you! Would you please add a link to the article for them on your page? They would be so proud to see that you did, even if it’s only for a little while. I also don’t think it hurt that I promised the whole group a pizza day if you did! Please let me know if you’d be willing so I can share the exciting news with them!

Thank you in advance!
